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  Prefer const over let. Ditch the var ​ Using const means that once a variable is assigned, it cannot be reassigned. Preferring const will help you to not be tempted to use the same variable for different uses, and make your code clearer. If a variable needs to be reassigned, in a for loop, for example, use let to declare it. Another important aspect of let is that a variable declared using it is only available in the block scope in which it was defined. var is function scoped, not block-scoped, and shouldn't be used in ES6 now that you have const and let at your disposal Use proper naming conventions for variables, constants, functions and classes ​ Use lowerCamelCase when naming constants, variables and functions, UpperCamelCase (capital first letter as well) when naming classes and UPPER_SNAKE_CASE when naming global or static variables. This will help you to easily distinguish between plain variables, functions, classes that require instantiation and variables declared at glob...

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